wake-up your body and mind
In my simple “Wake-up Call” video I’ll show you how to reignite your spark and wake your mind and body back up in just 2 minutes!

Are you feeling tired? It’s easy to grab a doughnut or chug a cup of coffee to pick you up, isn’t it? But these are not ideal solutions. “The Wake-up Call” reignites your spark and naturally wakes your tired mind and body back up.

This simple 2 minute routine can be used anytime you need to increase your alertness and vitality.
Want to kick start your productivity in the afternoon?
Use this.
Want to set yourself up for the perfect meeting?
You need this.
Drop the coffee and doughnuts you don't need them.
This is better.
Want to feel awake and awesome in just two minutes?
Then do this.
Want to be present for your family when you get home from work?
This will do it.

as seen in

Taking you from overwhelmed, burnt out and exhausted to giving you massive energy, a calm focused mind and super health with special techniques developed from world class Tai Chi, physiology, neuroscience, and meditation.
For prospective clients and media enquiries get in touch with me at: rich@richmorley.com